Monday, April 18, 2011

Grace Goes for a Walk to the Hay Hill

You might not think that going for a walk, especially for a dog, is an event worth noting - for Grace, it is both noteworthy and picture worthy ....

It has taken about 3 weeks for Grace to settle into having a yard, a place that she can call "all hers".  She likes to spend time outside - everything from laying on what passes for grass at the ranch (grass, alfalfa, pretty flowering weeds), to chatting with the cats, sniffing the breeze, helping aerate the yard - in general, doing what dogs do and 'hanging out in her yard'.

We found she does okay with a harness - as long as you don't leave it on her when she is locked in her house!  She chewed through the pretty pink one she was wearing when she arrived .... stinker!  Leashes however, seem to confound her.  Put a leash on and it is as if someone tied a rock to her tail.  Same thing with going outside the yard.  I have to carry her through the gate and the minute I set her down, there she stays.  That is okay - we're learning and we will figure it out .... I have a feeling that before you know it she will be taking us on walks!

In the spirit of expanding horizons, I thought last weekend would be a good time to give Grace a taste and a sniff or two, of what lies beyond her yard.  Since she is so fond of the horses, I thought that maybe a walk through the horses eating and sleeping zones might be able to tempt her. 
Off we went on our walk. We started at the upper hay hill across from the barnyard.  Grace started with her imitation of a rock.  Undaunted, I started with my best imitation of me carrying Grace pretending to be a 40 pound rock.

Sniffing one direction

Sniffing the other direction

And 'another' direction

We headed to the big hay hill behind the house. To my surprise she walked herself, leash and all, about 20 feet.  Some folks might say, 'pfftpft 20 feet, that is nothing for a dog she should have walked 10 times that'.  She will. Maybe.  Or she won't.  Right now, I don't give a hoot how far she walked .... I am pretty darn excited that she walked on her own, while wearing her harness and her leash .... Go Grace!!

Grace walking on her own - leash and all!!

Checking out the view from the big hay hill

The air must smell better when you squint your eyes .......

Ruler of all she surveys ....  Queen Grace and her kingdom!
In no way does having hay on the end of her nose interfere with her sniffing (her dignity)

 She takes surveying her kingdom very seriously

She is also very serious about belly rubs!

Could it get any better than this?!! 
Nice soft bed of hay peppered with horse manure, intriguing smells on the breeze, sunshine AND belly rubs ..... This IS the LIFE!!!

Thinking about walking and thinking "not so much so".  Happy to stand between my feet until I figured out I was supposed to pick her up if we were going to head back to the yard.

Back in her yard

We had a very good day.
It was a very good walk.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She looks so happy to be outside and seems to be adjusting very well to the concept of "endless horizons". That alone would be enough to freak out some people I know.
