Every day we are learning more about who Grace is and what she likes. So far we've figured out that she likes ....
The Yard
She lays in it
Relaxes in it
Plays in it
She finally figured out what to do with the basketball
Ready? Set? Paws On? .... Play!!!
She hides in it
Guess it is a good thing I never got around to trimming the weeds, errrr I mean 'wild flowers' last summer
To chew things ......
Notice the ripped up box under her feet and the "What??!! I wasn't doing anything - I'm just standing here being cute" look on her face?!!
She thinks no on sees her walking away with a part of a plastic cat house.
"What this? I have this in my mouth all the time. I'm just carrying it."
I can almost hear her logic: "If I can't see you, you can't see me .... so I think I'm good and safe to chew on this piece of screen I rescued from the recycle bin. Thank goodness I rescued it -- what are they thinking recycling a perfectly good piece of screen."
Note: She didn't get to keep the screen, it was successfully recycled before it was shredded and/or eaten.
Getting this newspaper was a pretty slick trick. I had a stack of magazines with a single section of newspaper stuck in between a couple of the magazines. Grace goes over and dainty as you please, grabs the newspaper and pulls it out from the stack of magazines - with out disturbing the stack - takes it back to her house and proceeds to start tearing it to bits.
Very 'shredding' focused
She was having so much fun, I didn't have the heart to take it away - so I let her shred to her heart's content. Cleaned up the pieces and sent them to the compost pile. AND made a mental note - any papers that I want to keep need to be stored out of range of Grace's nose (and teeth).
She likes B-O-N-E-S!!!
She was very good when faced with a pan of bones.
She took one
Of course before she got her "one", she had to test sniff them all.
Snuggling with LB
Their friendship is amazing
Could they be any cuter?!!
Hanging with her toys
in her house
outside her house
Hanging with the horses
Hiya Miss!
Really?!! Hank said "THAT" ??!! Then what did you say?
Look at me Miss - when I run real fast and then stop, my butt goes up in the air .... !
I'm looking behind me and don't see anything - look on your left, do you see anything?
How about your right - see anything there?
Okay - Let's go over the plan again?
Yeah, Yeah - I think I see what you're seeing ....
Okay Nicker, you wait here and keep and eye out - I'll check down the fence and be right back.
Grace really likes sleeping