Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bufo Woodhousii in the house...!!

We've got Bufo Woodhousii (a.k.a. the cutest toads ever) living, I think under the deck, and hopping all through the flower gardens and around the yard. 

Bufo Woodhousii scientific name for Woodhouse's Toad.

With all the bugs we've had in the last month or so, our yard is toad version of Country Buffet and all you can eat.  I've seen at least two of them in different spots in the yard, so I know there are at least two of them living in our yard - wooohoooo!!!  My very own bug extermination squad.

The dogs don't seem to notice them - the toads are mostly under the deck and in the flower garden or in tall grasses where they can't be easily seen.  The cats, they don't seem to give them much attention either - could be because last summer Tiggsgrr tried to eat a toad - ended well for the toad who didn't get eaten, not as well for Tiggs who spent the better part of 30 minutes pffttfffing and spitting and accckkking, trying to get toad secretions out of his mouth.

Eating bugs and mosquitoes not withstanding, isn't he/she just the cutest thing?

Kind of the the same picture, just a bit of a different angle. has instructions for building a Toad Abode ... I'm all over that project!!
Already have toad pond (saucer of water nestled in the dirt in the garden) in place.

In this picture you can better where the toad carved out a hole in the dirt - uses that to scoot in and out under the deck.  And I'm thinking, hide with just the tip of their head out ... better to catch bugs with!  They have dug several indents (for lack of a better adjective) at different spots in the garden and I've seen at least one of them hunker down in an 'indent' and become "one with the dirt".  

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